Whitman Family Album
Assembled by P. D.
Inspired by my photographer grandfather, Aubrey S. Whitman, who
was born in Canso in 1888, I've made this page devoted to some of the Whitman
family pictures I have from my files and yours.
I never met Aubrey; he died before I was born. I like to think he would enjoy
the thought of his photos being shared with other Whitman families, and that
they are part of this collection.
Any additions to the album are most welcome!
If you would like to contribute to this album but are unable to email your
items to me, please contact me
about sending a copy by postal mail. Thankyou! Pictures should be of any
Whitman family members or direct relatives or of Whitman related items, such as
professions, historical documents or items, old locations, etc.
The first time you land at this page it
will probably take a long time to load because of all the graphics. Please be
patient... it's worth the wait!
Please click on the links to go to the corresponding pages,where the picture
will be enlarged and have a short description or history.
I have targetted an outside window for faster loading, and
hint... make two windows each 1/2 of the screen size...
the files now load onto the second window so
you don't have to keep going back to the main album page...Neat, huh?
However, I have left the "Back" link on the page in case anyone gets
lost and doesn't know how to get out of it.
There are now FIVE categories to the Family Album:
PEOPLE: Portraits of family members; photos or
PLACES: Any photos of towns, homesteads, land grants,
museums, etc.
ITEMS: Documents such as deeds, marriage certificates,
maps, advertisements, any text files relating to Whitmans
Documents such as deeds, marriage certificates, maps, advertisements, any text
files relating to Whitmans
WHITMAN GRAVESTONES This is a new category
I would like to open up. If you have found a Whitman gravestone and want to
share it, please contact me to
make arrangements.
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The following pages are made up of old postcards and pictures of things and
places from Nova Scotia. I started collecting them a while ago on ebay and
decided to share them with you here. There is not much information on the
pages, basically just the name of the place and a larger picture. If you'd like
to volunteer to write a caption for the picture, please do!
Just EMAIL ME with
what you've written and I will post it with your name as the submitter of the
Here are the first pages of this new category:

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This is a new category I have just opened up; a page for Whitman cemetery
markers. Pleasecontact
me if you have a contribution to share. Many people are incapable of
travelling to where the grave marker might be seen, so this is an easy passage
to places that hold much sentimental and historical value.
Here are the first pages of this new category:
P.D.'s Genealogy
Home Page with Resource Links
Copyright P. D. Crowe, November 23, 1999;
December, 2001; July 9,2005
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Unauthorized use without specific written
agreement is strictly prohibited.