Hi I'm Anna T. Beagle and my job is to guard the garden for my
masters. They leave me out there several times a day and I must defend our
garden against the unforseen forces of nature, and all dogs who walk on the
pavement just outside our garden. Especially the Scotties. The big dogs really
bug me so sometimes I have to go upstairs on the deck to take care of them.
I have made paths through the garden, so PD (that's my mistress) just finally
gave up and planted around my areas. She understands that I am the one in
Sometimes the enemy can be seen,
through the slats in the fence so I give them a resounding,
"AR-ROOOOOOOOOOO" to get them real scared.
I show them that I am a force to be reckoned with! Nobody gets by me.
Nosiree Bob!!!

Here's a picture of me outside in my domain.
I am licking my beautiful bone.
They are so delicious! I have many such treasures hidden around the yard, It's
important to hide them from the enemy. From time to time I collect them all in
a pile so I can gaze upon my wealth of treasures. Sometimes they mysteriously
disappear just when they get to the proper state of gumminess and chewability,
especially if they are also a bit muddy. I mean, I leave them right there in
the middle of the living room and *poof!* they disappear! We must have
infiltrators. The enemy is all around us and I tell you they are mighty tricky,
yes indeedy.

Therefore, it's important to all
of you who would be guardians to learn the proper barking techniques.
Wait for the demonstration picture to load... and note my perfect

The beagle's bark is absolutely the best, because of its
prolonged sound and its fierce effectiveness in ridding your garden of
intruders. I can't tell you the number of times my masters have come to me
while I was barking and said, "Anna will you please SHUT UP! Enough is
enough already!" Which just goes to show I am certainly doing my job just
fine! I am so proud!
The way to do it is to well it all up inside your chest for a moment, then
suddenly throw open your mouth and let forth with a wonderful
I believe the more you do it the better, and of course you must practice as
often as possible. Your people will be so proud of you!

I have some worldy goods. PD
bought me a tug toy, a stuffed squirrel and my favorite... a fuzzy blue baby! I
keep these items in a pile under the dining room table.
I'm afraid of thunderstorms.
That's when I hide in bed with PD. She's always good for a hug. Then I go to
sleep on the foot of her bed. It's the safest place in the world. Brent is good
for hugs, too, but he doesn't like me to get too chummy. I think it's a guy
thing. But he picks me up and rocks me when nobody's looking and he feeds me
goldfish crackers, so I think he is a god.

Well I have to go
now... Stayed tuned for my adventures and come back for more stories about me!
I have to go guard the garden.
I think I see a rabbit out there!!!
Email Anna!

Here is an award I
have won....
This is the Chips Award I am very proud of !!
Is it for barking?? What's an award?!?

From: Chips Homepage

Here is another
Award that I am proud of.
My site is featured for the week of April 2-9, 2003.
PD says that is a sweet honor.
Sweet? Does that mean awards are *gasp* ...FOOD???

....and here are
some web rings PD says I belong to...spiders build webs in the garden, but I
don't know if they build web rings... oh well...!

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Gerald Ross
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Click on the name to go there and get it now!
"Anna T. Beagle: Guardian of the
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